Marc Eschenburg2025-01-24T10:26:06+00:00

Marc Eschenburg

Marc Eschenburg
Marc EschenburgPartner

An expert on spectrum management and business planning, Marc also regularly advises clients on highly strategic projects, from market transactions and vendor negotiations, to expert witness projects.

Marc has worked in the telecoms industry for over 10 years, advising fixed and mobile operators, as well as regulators and financial institutions. During this period, Marc has supported numerous mobile operators in developing 4G and 5G spectrum strategies, valuing key spectrum assets and preparing for and bidding in spectrum auctions. In addition to his work on spectrum management, Marc regularly supports operators with the development and review of (5G) business plans.

Marc is often asked to advise on other projects of strategic importance – he has successfully supported clients as an expert witness, and he has provided insights during the preparation of major transactions. Furthermore, he has supported mobile operators in the vendor negotiation process, analysing offers and identifying areas to improve the value of the deal to his clients.

Marc has a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Infonomics, both from Universiteit Maastricht.

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Examples of projects which illustrate the breadth of Marc’s experience include:

  • Spectrum valuation and auction preparation for mobile operators and regulators ahead of more than 30 award processes globally

  • Comprehensive report on current mobile spectrum allocations and demand for mobile spectrum in the USA, as well as forecasting of expected future trends.

  • Expert witness in an arbitration process concerning the validity of adjusting wholesale prices to reflect spectrum costs.

  • Expert advice on the potential impact of a proposed roaming agreement on mobile market competition and the technical differences between roaming and network sharing.

  • Support in the development of a 5G business plan, including set-up of the model structure, review of input assumptions and on-going support to the client’s finance team over a period of over 18 months.

  • SoTP valuation of a multi-national telecoms operator that included the valuation of business units across Europe, Asia and Africa.

  • Support in vendor negotiations on a multi-billion dollar network contract, including a detailed analysis of the offers, comparative analysis of major cost drivers and an engagement process with the client’s technical team, the purpose of which was to align the technical scope of all vendor offers.

  • Detailed analysis of the value of potential future 4G/5G network sharing options ahead of discussions with existing network partner.

  • Development of a spectrum strategy for a mobile operator in Eastern Europe.

  • Vendor due diligence of a 700m EUR tower portfolio that was brought to market in 2019

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